The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel’s rapid growth over the last fourteen years is testament to the calibre of Torah leaders and scholars guiding the institution forward.
Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel
The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel’s rapid growth over the last fourteen years is testament to the calibre of Torah leaders and scholars guiding the institution forward.

The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel is a genuine “makom Torah” founded in the heart of the Yeshiva College Campus. It aims to
• Provide a consistent and impactful learning seder
• Engage with the broader community through involvement in Torah growth
• Create a platform for the Yeshiva College School students to flourish in Torah learning through interaction with Talmidei Chachamim
The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel aims to be a Torah centre at the heart of Centrist Orthodox Judaism.
The centre aims to develop true Torah leaders while at the same time provide the community at large with access to the depths of Torah. It is a home of Torah learning for the broader South African Jewish community where all types of Jews can acquire their rightful stake in Torah. Ultimately, the Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel aims to transform Jewish Society into one where Torat Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael are central to daily living.
For further information please contact the office on:
(011) 485 3624
Beit Mordechai Campus Midrasha
The Yeshiva Mizrachi Bnei Akiva community prides itself in acknowledging a woman’s role as being a vital aspect of Jewish life. The desire to provide meaningful learning opportunities and experiences is of critical importance, both for a woman’s individual growth and for empowering the women of our community at large.

The Midrasha was originally created in 2014 as a space of growth for post school girls and for Bnei Akiva Madrichot returning from their Gap year programme. This has ensured there is continuous learning after their inspiring year away. The programme and the Beit Midrash space are, however, than open to any women of any age.
Our vision is to provide meaningful Torah learning and experiences based on the values of Religious Zionism for the young ladies and women in our community. It is a place in which women can enter as their own “space” to learn, where they feel comfortable and welcome. It aims to empower women to take ownership over their Torah learning and knowledge.
We run a daily programme of shiurim in the evening hours from 5:15pm till 6:45pm in The Beit Avraham Beit Midrash on the YC Campus. Girls also come learn daily during the above hours in Chavrutot or independently which gives it a true Beit Midrash feeling.
We are truly privileged to be able to provide Women’s Torah learning and encourage all ladies to join!